Sunday, March 27, 2011

Love thy brother....

So the next time I get annoyed, frustrated, etc., with my brother, I need to look at this and remember what he did today. I am completely useless when it comes to vehicles (and many other things!!) so when my sis told me my headlight was out, I TRIED to get it fixed on my own. When that didn't work, I text Jared to see if he could help. Of course, he said yes!

Songs to sing....

So driving in the car today, I started thinking about what song would describe me most. I thought--how fun it would be to get everyone to reply to this and post what song THEY think describes them most. Will you do it? Seems harmless, like fun, and I can compile all the posts in a few days.

Is it country? Pop? Oldies? What song do you relate to most? Don't forget to reply!!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Spring Break, days 1 and 2

One of the benefits of being a teacher is getting the same time off during the school year that the students do!

I started the week by babysitting my fav little 5 month, not Lambeau! I spent a good chunk of yesterday with little Emersyn. We did a little shopping, but mostly hung out at her place and talked. A lot. Wow, can she chat off my ear :)

Last night we had a campout at my parents house with Abby and Kayla. Too cute, Abby was so excited! She called at one point (around 2:00) to tell me to hurry and come over because it was getting dark out....

Grandma went all out and had hot dogs to bbq over the campfire (fire pit). We enjoyed the food and being outside, even made some smores!

Then came the fun of sleeping...Abby talked a good game about sleeping in the camper with me (it's even better than CAMPING-it was plugged in to the electric so we had a/c and power!!). We layed down for about five minutes, and Abby decided she didn't want to sleep in there anymore. I took her in with Grandma, and brought out Kayla....and that lasted about an hour and a half. :) She woke up screaming, so she went back to bed with Grandma. Grandma had a very full bed!! I, on the other hand, just had two large dogs in bed to wrestle with. Lambeau enjoyed her first campout, she played the whole time with Kaydee and Packer!

(so, ya, who is the smart one who did not take ANY pictures? Ya, that'd be me. Enjoy the free clipart courtesy of google images....)

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Abby's first run!

Abby ran her first race this past weekend, at the Phoenix Zoo! She loves that her momma does races (marathons) so she was so excited to be in her very first one. Chel (her mom) ran it with her, while the rest of us (me, my mom, Aunt Michelle, Stacy, Gwen, Kayla, and Jason) were there to cheer her on! Who knows who was more excited when she passed, or Abby! :) She sure is a big girl, and I am so proud of her!!

Chel got her some new running shoes, which she wore around the house to practice before the race (Chel says in her undies, a t-shirt, socks and shoes!). Too bad we don't have a picture of that cutie-pieness to share!After the race we were allowed to stay at the zoo and walk around. Did I think to take many pictures while Abby was running? No. Glad my sister did so that I could steal them from her!!
Here is some "after race" fun! Who told them to pick the statues nose?? Oops!

Geocaching: unsuccessful

Today the group got together to introduce Newby to geocaching. Started out with a nice lunch at Paradise Bakery at Tempe Marketplace, and then the fun began! I had 5 caches printed out...and we did NOT find one. Ok, Meg and Newby found one when we were finishing, but the other three of us did not see get a chance to walk over to see it (a tired baby, a tired Jamie....).

So, NO pictures were taken, so I downloaded a fake one to share:
Next time WILL be more of a success, I promise!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

101 reasons why I love Lambeau...

Ok, so not really 101 reasons...

But I am impressed that you'd read this to see if I really would post 101 reasons! I have not had the pup long enough to come up with all 101 but I am sure I could come up with pretty close to it if I put some time/effort into it :)

My favorite things about Lambeau:

  • cuddling at night. It may take her a bit to calm down from the excitement of going to sleep, but when she does it's totall worth it!

  • she's always happy when I come home from work. It doesn't matter what kind of day I have had, she is always happy and it's contagious

  • the great saying "who rescued who" totally applies to this pooper!

  • she lets me call her fun names like pooper :)

  • cuddling...did I mention that already?

  • her sweet face-even as she is biting my leg...

  • her crazy eyes when we play tug with the rope

  • overall-just everything!

Just remember....

On those super tough, hard to understand, all patience is lost days with my dad I want to remember the good days. Like this past weekend-he was so happy to be here. I do believe a change of environment helps him stay in tip top mental shape sometimes! So, back to this past weekend...we ate yummy food, took him to get a hair cut at that really nice salon by my house (FYI it's Great Clips!), and then went to a few nurseries to window shop for some trees for my backyard, and just spent TIME together. Walking around the nursery and looking at the plants helped trigger some of his memories, and I have decided to LISTEN when he talks...instead of tuning him out. I don't want to look back and regret anything! I listened, each and every time, as he told the story of his landscaping days....and when he repeated the story a few times later during I pretended like I had not yet heard the story!

I want to look back on this and think of the good days :) They aren't always so good, and I am glad to take a moment remember!