I had a great time. Even though it was cold, and too short of a trip. I thank you for the fun and the family memories!!! I want to remember from this trip:
1. The 7 hour drive to get to Williams (it's a 4 hour drive, but with our long trip in the car and silly outlook, we missed the exit....by 90+ miles).
2. GB's first camping trip. Although the dogs got in a fight, and she will NO LONGER be invited to go camping, I am glad she had a *little* time to explore the mountains.
3. Abby and Kayla's first hunting trip-Abby's excited voice wanting to go 'catch' a deer.
4. Family memories. There are never enough!
(for pictures, go to my Facebook page. I am too lazy to post them again on here)
Why in the world did it take you 7 hours to get to Williams? You should be embarrassed.