Sunday, February 27, 2011

Weekend FUN!


Today Miss Emersyn was baptised into the Catholic Church. As her Godmother, I promise to raise her in any emergency, and teach her to enjoy football and become a die-hard Packers fan!


This past weekend I was fortunate to have my dad, Kaydee and Packer over (for those who don't know, Kaydee and Packer are my parents' dogs). Boy was Lambeau excited to have her friends over. Kaydee was patient with her, but Packer taught her how to play :) I didn't get any great pictures of them outside, but here are some from this morning as we lounged around:

Kaydee not wanting anything to do with my camera

Packer and her cute ears!

Lambeau sitting still for the first time all weekend :)


Driving my dad home today, I saw this beauty:

The Superstition Mountains with LOTS of snow! Too pretty not to share!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Princess Birthday!!

Abby had her 4th birthday party this past weekend...the poor girl is cursed with a February birthday. Every party she has tried to have has been cold or rainy! This year my sister and mom went all out-rented a bouncy house, got yummy bbq food, and her adorable preschool friends came to celebrate! All that changed as the rain poured to love AZ February weather! It was quickly picked up and taken to Peter Piper Pizza :) We all had fun, and I was glad to get to see my niece enjoy herself. Here's what I want to remember about her up to this point:
  • I love her laugh. It's contagious! She is always happy to see me (well, pretty much everyone but I'm making it ALL about me!!) Abby can bring a smile to anyone's face.
  • Abby is so smart. She amazes me all the time.

  • When she says JAMIE. No one can imitate it, and it melts my heart each time!!

  • I love her funny sayings: oh papa, kaydeepacker (my parents two dogs whose names have been merged into one!), oooooooh baby, Kayla bug say ______, hers crying, hims sad...pretty much anything she says makes us happy

  • She is a gorgeous little gal. Who would have known that my sister could produce not only ONE, but TWO adorable and precious kids :) (Love you, Chel!!)

  • I cannot believe she is in preschool. Kindergarten is just around the corner! Teachers, be ready for this one!

Here's Abby (the princess with fairy wings) giving everyone kisses and thank you's for her gifts.

Guess who's birthday is coming up quickly? Kayla-bug!!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Love week

Since Valentine's is over, I can now reflect on the things I a teacher I tend to dread the holiday's that involve school parties. I LOVE seeing the kids enjoy themselves, LOVE eating the food, but the whole planning and anticipation of the kids before the party can take its toll. I am going to steal this LOVE idea from my friends Marianne and Jill, but change it up (aka shorten it).

I LOVE my family. My mom is too good to me, my dad has always been a huge help. I still think my brother is a special guy and is always here when I need him. My sister is the most amazing mommy I have ever met, and I LOVE her kids.

I LOVE teaching. Yes, even the grading, planning, and misbehaviors. I love working with kids, teaching them, and watching the spark in their eyes.

I LOVE camping. Love it, love it, love it. I love the fresh air, sleeping on an air mattress, being outside. The only other place I'd consider home...hehe! Looking forward to camping again, soon. And you know who joins me camping? My family!

I LOVE my friends. I have learned who the real ones are, and who aren't. And I love my friends.

I LOVE our family dogs! Kaydee, Packer, Marley, Stella, and MY PUP-LAMBEAU!! I think that dogs have something very special, and I love them to death.

I LOVE LOVE LOVE the Packers. Is this really a surprise? Haha.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


I had the pleasure of having my family and some friends over to watch the big game with me :) These are the outdoor decorations:

(If you are having a hard time seeing the window, it says "GO PACK" in yellow and green letters)
Here is Miss Emersyn rooting for my team...she's so adorable!!
And smart, for going for the Packers...

And the family gathered around for the game!

Pete and Fran Mom and Dad

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Wednesday, Thursday, Friday...all rolled into one!

I survived my football week, and it was exhausting! The class seemed to really enjoy the activities and lessons of the week. One parent even told me that her daughter (who doesn't like football) played outside with her dad and used our vocabulary words while playing catch! Ilove it! Here is a picture of a craft we did in class..the students had to listen to what I was describing and color the area based on what I told them. They did pretty well! I loved the green glitter to add a little fun to it :)

When I arrived in my classroom on Friday, this is the terror I saw:

Thanks to Erin Roberts for the laughs on Friday!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Tuesday touchdown fun!

Today the class discussed the yards on a football field. The boys were excited to get to share their knowledge of football and be the 'experts' today. After drawing it out on the board, they partnered up to make their own miniature version of a football field, complete with end zone's that said their own names.

In case your interested, for our project 5 cm= 1 yd. Let's see what tomorrow brings!